How Senior Living Community Leadership Impacts A Renovation
March 20, 2024
Before a project ever starts, the majority of my conversations revolve around how we develop the team. Who are the players? Who are the influencers that impact the outcome of this project? As you know, bringing the right team and the right people together is crucial for a successful outcome. In a big project, many of the influencers in that project will be the leaders in the community - Executive Directors, Regional Vice Presidents, Activity Directors, etc. Who do we need to involve in the process and the conversation? Who's going to participate in pre-construction meetings? Who's going to participate in ongoing meetings? Who do we reach out to if we have questions? These are all of the things that matter to a successful project.
In this interview with Lucas McCurdy, The Bridge Group Construction’s President, he explains the importance and impact of a great community leadership team and culture.
Q: Why Is The Community Leadership Team Important In A Renovation Project?
In healthcare environments like senior living communities, everyone must be on the same page before a renovation project ever starts. The leadership at the community; the executive director, or the administrator, are going to be key people who are going to be involved in helping us phase and schedule that project before a project ever starts. Ask yourself, who needs to be involved to make sure everyone is safe and successful.
Q: What Does A Good Community Culture Look Like?
I'm fortunate to be in senior living communities around Texas and Florida often, and I'm able to witness the type of culture that successful communities have. It only takes a few minutes to walk into a building and realize, you know what? This place has a great culture. There's a great feel, a good vibe here. And it must be because of great leadership. Great leadership also drives great culture. And that can be a major important success factor if you're doing a planned renovation project. I've started projects where there's been a great culture in the building, and those projects have been very smooth. Even when we have a simple construction project, there will be some challenges. Not everything is going to go exactly as planned.
Being on the same page, and on the same team is crucial in getting past those little bumps, challenges, and changes along the way. And I have found that in the senior living industry, team members understand this better than anyone because they realize that there are bigger, more important things than a delayed delivery of a faucet or a light. I've always been very appreciative of the senior living industry, keeping these things in context.
Q: How Can A Renovated Community Impact Team Culture?
Does your great culture match your community? Is your community outdated, but has a great culture? These are two things that you should think about in 2024. That brand new shiny penny that's down the street, yes, it might look great, and it may be attracting some of your team members, but do they have the same culture and longstanding tradition that you do? 2024 might be a great time to spend some CapEx dollars updating your community to match your great culture.
Here at The Bridge Group Construction, senior living is why we exist. We love what we do. We love the time we get to spend inside your community, as well as the stories, the residents, and the staff that we get to meet. Renovations inside an open operating senior living community are not for everyone. We specialize in doing just that. Reach out to us: https://www.thebridgegc.com/contact to get your community updated today.